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2019上半年河南教师资格小学英语面试试题(Sarah’s cat)

2019-12-30 10:59:28

  【导读】有很多考生在考前难免会紧张,为帮助考生们少点紧张感。河南省教师资格网为大家带来2019上半年河南教师资格小学英语面试试题(Sarah’s cat)。下面就是上半年的英语面试试题,如有更多想要了解的敬请关注河南省教师资格网。



  1.题目:Sarah’s cat








  1. 本堂课最重要的步骤是哪一步,如何设计的?

  2. 你觉得阅读课除了讲解文章大意和细节信息之外,还可以讲什么?



  Teaching aims:

  Knowledge aims:

  Students can understand the main content of this passage.

  Students can master these words such as “kitten” and “fur” and the structure “on+specific date”.

  Ability aim:

  Students can make sentences by imitating the example.

  Emotional aim:

  Students can develop their awareness of protecting animals.

  Key and difficult points:

  Key Point:

  Students can master the words such as “kitten” and “fur” and the structure “on+specific date”.

  Difficult Point:

  Students can make sentences by imitating the example “Their eyes are open on April 26th.”

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1: Warming-up

  1. Greetings. Talk about the weather.

  2. Sing a song with the students.

  Old MacDonald had a farm, E I E I O

  And on the farm he had a cat, E I E I O

  With a meow meow here, and a meow meow there

  Here meow, there meow, everywhere meow meow

  Old MacDonald had a farm, E I E I O

  Ask students which animal they hear from this song. They may answer cat and then guide them to have free talk about cat with some questions. For example, what color is it? Have you ever kept a cat? Then lead in today’s topic Sarah’s cat.

  Step 2: Pre-reading

  Show some pictures about kittens’ growing up and ask students “What’s this?” and “How does it look like?”. Students may give the wrong answers such as “They are mice”. Then show students other pictures and tell them they are the same animals--cat. Guide student understand the words kittens and fur.

  Step 3: While-reading

  1. Fast reading

  Ask students to read the passage quickly and find out the main idea of it. And I will remind them not to read the passage word by word.

  Then I will ask them to put the four pictures on the textbook in a correct order to train their observing ability.

  2. Detailed reading

  Ask students to read the passage carefully for the second time and do the match on the blackboard. Then invite some of them to finish it and check it together.

  Their eyes are open. May 3rd

  They have white fur. April 26th

  They can walk. April 21st

  3. Read in groups

  Ask students to work in pairs to read the diary for each other. Then invite some of them to read at the stage.

  And I will give some guidance accordingly, for example, the pronunciation of the new words, the intonation of sentences and so on.

  Step4: Post-reading

  Ask students to write two sentences about the kittens according to the example given on the blackboard “Their eyes are open on April 26th.”

  Lead students to pay attention to the structure of the date.

  5 minutes will be given. Then invite some of them to read their sentences loudly in front of the whole class. Also, I will give proper encouragement.

  Step5: Summary and Homework

  Summary: Ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson. Then tell students we should cherish the life of all animals.


  Homework: To retell the growing process of kittens according to the words and sentence structures we have learned today to their parents.


  1. What are the key steps in this class and how do you design for it?


  The most important step of this lesson is while-reading, and I will design it in the following aspects. First of all, I will ask students to read the passage quickly for the first time and find out the main idea of it and arrange the pictures on the textbook in an correct order. It can help students have an basic understanding about this passage. After that, I will ask students to read the passage again carefully and match the growing process with the dates on the blackboard. This activity can help student know the detailed information of the kittens’ growing. Finally, I will ask them to read the whole passage which can improve their pronunciation.


  2. Besides teaching the main idea and detailed information of the passage, what else can you teach in a reading class?


  Besides the main idea and detailed information, I think there are another three important aspects I can teach my students: First, the new vocabulary; second, the reading strategies and last the the format or structure of the passage. In terms of vocabulary, teachers can use some pictures or videos to help students to master them well before reading the materials. Also, teachers can lead students to learn the new words while reading. As for the reading strategies, as showed in my presentation, I will lead my students to apply the scanning and skimming skills during reading. In terms of the format and structure of the passage, as for this passage, I intend to lead students to grasp the format and structure of a diary and guide them know how to write a diary in a correct way.

  以上就是2019上半年河南教师资格小学英语面试试题(Sarah’s cat),希望能够对大家有所帮助。如想获取更多关于河南教师资格的相关资讯,如报名时间、考试时间、报考条件、备考知识、相关新闻等,敬请关注河南省教师资格网。

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